Porcelain Veneers

Kari Ryan Dentistry

What can strengthen, lengthen, whiten, correct, and beautify your smile all in one procedure? Porcelain veneers! Porcelain dental veneers are one of our most popular cosmetic treatments for their lasting beauty and restorative qualities. As with any kind of veneers, porcelain tooth veneers cover the surface of your own teeth, creating a brand-new, incredibly natural-looking and hard-wearing surface. Dr. Ryan starts the process with an in-depth discussion about your needs, hopes, and desires. We will often use digital imaging to preview possible smile looks, trying on tooth lengths, widths, and shades until we find the perfect smile to bring out the best of your face shape and features, suit your personality, balance your bite, and harmonize your smile. Once your porcelain veneer design is chosen, we will work with you to create a treatment plan, prepare your teeth, take molds, and send everything to our world-class lab for completion. When your custom-made veneers return, we simply bond them in place, and ta-da! Your new smile is ready to show off to the world! And don’t forget, because all of our veneers are made of pure, biocompatible dental porcelain, dental veneers from Kari Ryan Dentistry look as if nature placed them herself – with an extra dash of stain resistance and translucent whiteness that surpasses even natural tooth enamel!